A Wisp

I don't always understand the road in front of us.  

Like, not at all.  Just.  Don't.  Get.  It.

Life can do that sometimes. Just make us really not fine and suck the wind right out of our sails. Right? 

But God uses it. 

I'm struck by the fact that if we get too comfortable on this side of heaven, we have no reason to reach for God. 

No matter how cozy things might look, necessity leads us to Jesus, and Jesus leads us to a joy much deeper than circumstance. 

If we are too comfy on this side of heaven, then suddenly WE think we can handle things on our own.  That's a scary place to be. Maybe we should be grateful for our thorns?

So the praise for today is for discomfort. Crazy sounding, huh? 

The praise today is for the squirmy times that keep us on our knees. 

The praise today is that the struggle isn't always about me, but sometimes God will allow it to touch my life so that another one of His kids can learn from it... because He knows that I'll walk it out. 

The praise today is that one day... well, one day every struggle will be a distant memory.  

One day it will be different. 

One day this life will be a wisp.  

And until then we rest in the assurance that we serve the God that holds hearts and strengthens us in the moments that hurt them. 

Until then we serve the God that says "if not this, then something better" and holds open new doors while sprinkling a little Romans 8:28 on top. ;)

We wait expectantly for what is to come, believing that even disappointments can be intertwined with His grace and love. 

What a sweet, sweet Heavenly Daddy we have.  Whatever your storm might be, I pray you are praising in it. A better day is coming, and it has your name on it.  Jeremiah 29:11.  The plan IS for good and not for harm.

ChristieAitken@gmail.com, 2015
Twitter: @ChristieAitken
Google+: +Christie Aitken


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