{{An Open Letter to Auburn}}

Dear Auburn,

You've got the whole nation talking... (well, that and writing "open letters" on Facebook, but I digress).

I should say that among all of those letters, I'm REALLY digging the letter to Alabama's kicker.  I believe it to be so much more representative of our in-state rivals than the one above.

So, although this letter isn't to you, Bama fans, here's a virtual high five for supporting your guy.  #ThatRocks


Back to you, Auburn...

The last open letter to you was in the Wall Street Journal, and you answered it definitively through an on-the-field response.  

It occurred to me that it's been a few minutes since Auburn had a pen pal.

So, here I am. 

As you know, most of the nation sees you as the Team of Miracles.

Others believe that 4 leaf clovers line the locker room at Jordan Hare or that the "magic" they've seen is clearly connected to the Singer on the Sidelines.  (Pssst! Just in case there's something to that sewing thing, bring it on to ATL.  It's not crazy if it works.)

Then there are the naysayers who believe that the lightning seen during the Georgia and Alabama defeats could never strike more than twice. 

There are so many voices shouting their own personal football truth... 

.    .    .    .    .

But, then there's us...

and WE KNOW the truth.

Who are we?

We're the student section that cheers you on in the face of a certain loss... and helps you turn it into a bigger-than-life win. 

We're the ones who've donned orange and blue on the Monday after a loss because we'd rather be for Auburn on a bad day than for any other team on a good one.

We're the grads who just keep coming back-- year after year after year-- so that our kids will know and love all that is Auburn... and then bring their kids back to love it, too.

We're the ones who've rolled Toomer's Corner until it resembled a Charmin's ad on steroids.

And if we couldn't make it to the The Plains for some reason? We're the ones who let the kids create a Toomer's Home Edition in the front yard.  

We're the ones who didn't let the hatred of one man ruin our love for the SEC, Auburn tradition, or our team...

And the ones who took those moments of hate and turned them into a reason to continue celebrating the Auburn that we love. 

Most of all, though?  

We're the ones who see the miracle that is YOU.

Beyond all of the media frenzy and fanfare of this amazing season, we believe you've been chosen for a moment such as this.
We believe you're far too busy playing ball to ever read this letter (and we love that!).

We believe that when you wake up each day, you are PROUD to wear the Auburn name.

We believe that you know the privilege of walking onto the field at Jordan Hare or ANY OTHER FIELD wearing that name... and that you'll always give it the honor that it's due.

We believe that our miracles aren't confined to the field at Jordan Hare, because our miracle is IN YOU.

We're the ones who say, "I believe in Auburn and love it!"... 

and we're the ones who mean it with every fiber of our being.

Have miracles.  

Will travel.  

See you in Atlanta.  

As you were, 



©Christie Aitken, 2013
Twitter: @ChristieAitken 
Google+: +Christie Aitken 
FB: http://www.facebook.com/ChristieA 


  1. You've written what I feel in my heart about Auburn University and all that it represents! Thank you for those words.....War Eagle!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Nsquared, and for loving Auburn as much as we do! WAR EAGLE!

  2. War Eagle! This letter made me tear up with Auburn pride.

    1. Ahhh... that's when you KNOW that you really love all that is Auburn! :) War Eagle to you and yours, IPG!

  3. Replies
    1. Great Bama fan who I love to call "friend". Love you, Debbie! Thanks for being a great writer, a beautiful Christ follower, and a dear friend. You encourage me beyond measure and I can't wait to read your book!

  4. As always --- you find the PERFECT words! I am so proud to call you my friend! War Eagle!

    1. You and my little buddy make me smile always! War Eagle, sweet girl! :) Thanks for sharing! Love you!

  5. Thank you so very much! It's a new day indeed...WAR EAGLE!!!

    1. I like to think that the AUsome-ness that we've always had is just bubbling back to the surface, Mike! LOL...

      Thanks for reading and sharing! Glad to have you on board. War Eagle!

  6. What a lovely post! As the third generation of a four-generation Auburn family (so far), as a wife whose marriage proposal came in Samford Park, as a granddaughter of a dorm mother (you've never seen one of those!) and a dean, I salute your understanding of all that is Auburn. What we feel for Auburn can't be easily described, but you've done it well. Thank you!

    1. Thank you, Teresa! Just the reflections and memories you've shared here give me chills. I can't wait for others to read your comments and hope they will be inspired to share memories of their own. Please feel free to share with your friends online so that we can gather more and more AU spirit going into Saturday's game. It's ALWAYS great to be an Auburn Tiger! War Eagle!

  7. Awesome post. You captured it, why it is so important for me to travel to Auburn, from Texas, at least once a year, so that my kids can know the magic of that place. So they can love it like I do.


    1. Catherine, thank you for your reply! The journey you've described is certainly indicative of a person who BELIEVES in Auburn and LOVES IT! :) It IS magic and one only knows that by having experienced it! War Eagle to you and yours!

  8. Thank you so much for this lovely tribute! I am a former student that is teaching my GRANDCHILDREN to know and love Auburn!... They wore tiny newborn AU adorn outfits before they even left the hospital! They would rather see Aubie than Santa! I believe in Auburn and love it!

  9. Replies
    1. Ah, yeah, KG! :) War Eagle, buddy. Going to have to find that FB thread of yours after the game... to say hey to the naysayers and all. :) LOL...

      Win, lose, or draw, it's a good day to say, "WAR EAGLE!"... right? :)


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