What are You Singing?

The JOY of the Lord is my strength. Neh. 8:10  
That's the first verse that my kids memorized.

I was feeling like a pretty cruddy mom that day. (Sweet, eh?) Honestly, I was so far from being a picture of joy.  I remember it vividly.  I had firmly planted the white-picket-fence house and parent duo that went with parenting in my head. That was how it was supposed to be, and I was missing the boat hard and heavy.

The only part of that equation that I had was a house.  The fence was broken, the Dad didn't live here anymore, and I wasn't that cookie-baking, "the sky is blue, the birds are chirping, oh what a beautiful day" mom that I thought I would be.

The only thing I started early that day was handing myself a (self-created) "You're-Clearly-A-Terrible-Mother" card.  I was carrying it with a degree of excellence that was unmeasured, I'm sure.

So, I did the only thing I could think of that made sense in the moment.  I grabbed a book that I bought on vacation once.  It was a kid's book of bible verses and stories.  I knew Jesus was the equalizer to all things, so surely He could make this moment on our journey a bit more joy-filled.  The kids were fine, but I NEEDED the joy button pressed... twice.

And press it, He did!  We even made up a little song so that my youngest would remember it.

This verse and that moment continue to go on repeat in our home, years and years later- complete with song.

I think God intentionally allowed that 
so that they could know that JOY is attainable. We were created to bring joy to God himself and to bring others to the very Source of our joy.  

Also, I believe He allowed that so that they could recognize the power of words.

God doesn't dance around what He promises us. When He says something "is", well, you can take it to the bank.  It's a thing.

He says I have joy from Him, and that very JOY will serve as my strength.  He gifted my kids with the same.  He will gift YOUR HEART with the same.  He will.

We must choose it, though.

Today I'm choosing it by stepping away from work and into the heart of working in my home.  I'm stepping away and claiming the JOY that is here.  I'm reminding myself that I'm just the fun, wacky, and wonderful Mama that He created me to be, and that white picket fences would get muddy in all that fun. We just don't need one of those right now, but it's precious, sweet times when I get to visit Suzy's white picket fence across the street and sip tea with her in the peace of quiet moments.

And it's just okay. She's okay.  I'm okay.  My fence is okay.  Her fence is okay.

In fact, it's MORE than okay.  It's joy and strength for THIS journey.  The one He called ME to.  The song He called ME to sing.

So, what song are you singing today, friends?  Take a peek at Nehemiah 8:10 and claim it.  There is a song there JUST FOR YOU.

Copyright © 2015 by Christie Aitken.
All rights reserved.


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