Bare Stage Moments and Motion

We have students from all over Alabama traveling to various Church of the Highlands campuses for "Motion Night" this evening.

My son is among them, and I could not be more delighted.  This is the "youth group" I spent time on my knees praying for....

This is an amazing effort where once a month students and student leadership gather, and the love-language of a generation is spoken as God's word is relayed to them.

Lives are changing.  Students are growing.  Leaders are being created.

It's phenomenal.

This Mama has prayers for tonight.  Specifically for THIS night.  They are pretty simple, but I'd ask you to stand with me in praying them.

1- that our students and adults going tonight have safe passage from every corner of this state & back

2- that their hearts are brought closer to Jesus and the HOPE that is Christ will be on repeat

3- that each and every person there feel "part of" a family of believers invested in them personally

But EVEN MORE than each of these, I'm praying this.....

4- I pray that every person there feel accepted by the One who loves them when all of the crowds are gone.  I pray they feel DRAWN and HELD BY God himself.

I want them to walk out of these church campuses tonight feeling like they are divinely chosen for a purpose that only THEY can bring on this side of heaven... because the Creator of the Universe orchestrated it to be so.

I want them to have a longing to RUN to Jesus with every question, heart's desire, and more.

I want them to be connected in a way that they can't shake off....
When the LIKES on social media have diminished...
When the friends at school are nowhere to be found...
When no one is cheering their name....

I want them to have a bare stage moment.... 

and I want them to feel Jesus sitting in that chair beside them.

There's a Sandi Patty sound from MY youth that explains this "bare stage" concept perfectly.  

Pray for our kids, friends.  

Your kid.
My kid.
The kids of your friends.
That kid that hasn't made it to us, yet.   
ALL of the kids.
Pray for them.  All of them.

And cover the folks that lead them.... cover them in prayers of epic proportions.

This generation needs us, but they need our Jesus even more.
See, when WE are all gone-- when the stage is bare- HE will remain.

Hit your knees with me?

Christie Aitken

Copyright © 2016 by Christie Aitken. All rights reserved. 


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